Putting Our Faith Into Action!
A Very Big Thank You!
Thank you to everyone who donates their time and effort to provide items to, and volunteer at, our local food banks in Valley County!
Call for Volunteers at the food bank in Cascade, ID
​The Cascade Food Pantry is open every 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month. Food distribution is held 4:00-6:00 pm.
When: Our parish volunteers periodically throughout the year. Our upcoming volunteer dates are:
Thursday, October 17, 2024
Thursday, January 16, 2025
Thursday, April 17, 2025
Thursday, July 17, 2025
Where: Cascade Food Pantry (1470 S. Main St. in Cascade)
Additional Info: Volunteers are asked to arrive at 2:30 PM to get instruction and help with setup.
Call for Volunteers at Heartland Hunger & Resource Center, the food bank in McCall, ID
​The food bank in McCall is open every week on Wednesdays. Food distribution is held 4:00-6:00 pm.
When: Our parish volunteers on Wednesdays during these 3 months of the year: April, August, and December, however, volunteers are welcome every Wednesday. Cash donations may be sent to: HH&RC, PO Box 1929, McCall, ID 83638. Drop off non-perishable items at the Food Bank at 556 Deinhard Ln, behind the Police Department. Check here for high priority needed items.
Where: Heartland Hunger & Resource Center (556 Deinhard Ln in McCall behind the McCall Police Dept.)
Additional Info: Volunteers are needed to serve at the food bank. Any questions, contact Linda Klind at 208-634-6989.
Heartland Hunger and Resource Center
and the McCall Food Bank
556 Deinhard (behind the Police Department)
Hours of Operation: Weekly on Wednesdays 4:00-6:00 PM
Your contributions are always appreciated.
Ways to donate:
•Drop-off nonperishable items or check donations in person at the Food Bank. These are the mainstays needed to keep the pantry stocked. (Highest priority needs are updated weekly on the HHRC Facebook Page. Use this link:
•Mail a check to: McCall Food Bank, PO Box 1929, McCall, ID 83638
•Give online: https://idahofoodbank.org/donate/
Please specify to direct your donation to the McCall Food Bank in the Special Note box at the bottom of the donation page.
Questions? Call Linda Klind at 208-634-6989 or call 208-634-3037.
NOTE: For non-food items to be donated, please see McPaws, Toby's Place, and the Hospital Auxiliary Thrift Stores.
Checklists for Ushers, Lectors, and Eucharistic Ministers
To volunteer or if you need training, please contact deaconderek@ollidaho.org
Music Ministry in McCall
If you are interested in joining, please don't hesitate!
Contact Pam Fitzsimmons, music@ollidaho.org
Music Ministry in Cascade
If you are interested, join us on Sunday mornings for choir rehearsal at 10:15 am prior to 11 am mass. All are welcome!
Questions? Contact info@ollidaho.org
Next training date to be determined
Cathleen Curtiss
NOTE: New email address: cjcurtiss57@gmail.com
Call with prayer requests or to volunteer
Join the McCall Oblate Community
Affiliated with St. Gertrude's Monastery in Cottonwood
Hybrid meetings Second Saturday of each month
1:30-3:00 PM
Zoom link sent prior to the meeting
More information: Mike or Debbie McCoy
msmccoy@frontiernet.net or debmc0104@gmail.com
(208) 630-4630 or (208) 315-1517
1st & 3rd Thursdays, 4:00-6:00 pm
1470 S. Main St, Cascade, ID​
Our parish volunteers periodically thoughout the year. Dates are typically posted above.
Wednesdays, 4:00-6:00 pm
556 Deinhard, McCall, ID
Our parish volunteers every four months: April, August, and December
For questions or more information call:
Linda Klind